Urban Clothing In Basic Malls Vs Rare Clothing In High End Boutiques.

T-Shirts have different qualities if its high end fashion or just a local T-Shirts company photo by Nicholas.Y.F Chen cc 2.0 n.a.

Choosing The Right fashion brand company Sometimes Can Be Difficult Especially Trying To Determine The Quality Whether To Go With A Basic brand Or To Go Above And Beyond To A Complex clothing brand thats more watered down Style

It depends on if you like teenager 80s fashion or makes a more basic style . Every Company starts somewhere usually it starts out with one strong product and Idea to expand into certain niche item that will help build their clothing line. They have to think of what types complex designs their going to debut and usually in the beginning of a company they product great piece but as time goes on, they fall off and reach a plateau. They have to think of what type of people their trying to appeal too and what types of people they want to be attracting. Theirs a beginning to every clothing line but once it become main stream it loses their notoriety. The malls have a lot of the main stream clothing That is mass produced. Getting a piece of clothing when a company is starting from the beginning can be one of kind because they will never make that type of clothing ever again. Fashion is always changing and there is always adventures in fashion.

Boutique clothing Is the best fashion trends you can wear in urban fashion photo by Roy Katzenberg cc.2.0 n/a.

Shopping At Local Rare Urban Clothing Boutiques Can Give You An Rare y2k fashion men style. Clothing Style That Looks Luxurious You Want To Have An Quality Up And Coming Streetwear Brand To Wear

When dropping products over and over again they have to ride the wave and stay relevant. They have to stay productive and show people that they are the truth. And a company that reputable. When first getting their tires going, they have to make connection in their own city and get people to support their clothing brand. A lot of people have to start out of trunk and stand on the streets and talk to people every day. Usually, the products are one of kind of at the time a not a lot of people have that style of product at the time. The ride to the top if probably the best and most potent content that people have and a lot of bandwagon people start to join if they didn’t believe you in the beginning. After it goes main stream the products start to lose penitence and presentation.

Main stream clothing is little bit generic in simpler than rare boutiques photo by Artem Beliaikin cc2.0 n/a

Main Stream Clothing Can Be Sometimes Generic And Mass Produced It’s Up To You One How You Want To Present Yourself

Once A company goes main stream usually a lot of the design starts to get down by other in-house producers that are different from the ones before and the vision of the company goes down another way. The manufacturing process get don’t overseas where other people are produces the product and sometimes are produced in a very cheaper way And the in house designer start to look for ways to cut the price down and might sacrifice the company to make more of profit.

When a company goes to main stream mall circulation the owner of the company has probably already has moved on from the company and sold it to another people . Once the new person takes over the clothing might not look the same as once before. Once it expands to every major city and around that world it becomes saturated with the products and the demand goes down and the clothing is never a good as it once was when it was a rare branding coming up. Main Stream you will see it mostly in the American Malls and are urban companies that have reach the big show and have mass produced their brands.

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